Neonatology / NICU

Neonatology / NICU

Jaykumm Health Care is renowned for its exceptional neonatal services under the leadership of Dr. R. Kumaravel, DCH(Ireland), MRCPCH(UK), who serves as both the Managing Director and Consulting Neonatologist. With a deep commitment to the health and well-being of newborns, Dr. Kumaravel brings extensive expertise in neonatology, offering specialized care for premature and critically ill infants. His approach combines the latest in medical advancements with a compassionate understanding of the challenges faced by newborns and their families. Through a dedicated team of professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Jaykumm Health Care ensures the highest standards of care, supporting the most vulnerable patients in their earliest days with unparalleled dedication and expertise.


Meet Our Doctors


DCH (Ireland), MRCPCH (UK)

Managing Director, Consultant Neonatologist & Paediatrician

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