Supportive Facilities

Supportive Facilities

24 hrs Emergency Services
Two emergency areas are available one each in the hospital block and clinics. Both are two bedded and equipped with monitors, emergency drugs, medical gases and AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR to cater to any emergency and cardio pulmonary resuscitation.

Two units of 3D colour Doppler ultrasound imaging are provided by the latest GE VALUSON P8 &  LOGIQ P5.

24 hrs Pharmacy

The pharmacy services are outsourced to SUPERMED PHARMACY (A unit of Regenix Drugs Ltd.), a major player in Tamil Nadu. All lifesaving and emergency drugs are available round the clock from reputed pharmaceutical companies. A surgical pharmacy is available in the hospital block to cater for the needs of inpatients and outpatients.

24 hrs Lab Services

The lab services are outsourced to CRISTAL Diagnostic and Research Laboratory an ISO-9001-2008 certified, NABL Certified lab based out of Salem. The lab services include Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Histopathology and Semen analysis.

24 hrs Imaging Services

X – Ray services are outsourced to CRISTAL Diagnostic and Research Laboratory and provided with FUGI Computerised Radiography (CR) with GE BRIVO 115 ultra high frequency machine.

A specialised mobile X-ray unit renders services to critical care areas and inpatient rooms.

Operation Theatre 

It houses the main operation theatre with two post-operative care beds and the CSSD. The operation theatre is state of art with seamless ceiling, vinyl flooring, HEPA filters, LED lights, Power driven operating table, Anaesthesia work station, Multi parameter monitor, Advanced Laparoscopy unit and Advanced Diathermy and Electro cautery machines.

CSSD (Central Sterile Supplies Department)
CSSD is equipped with a semi automatic autoclave with flash
Sterilisation facility and a semi automatic Ethylene oxide steriliser for gas Sterilisation.

NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
Level 2 NICU is capable of handling new borns from 650
Grams weight / 26 weeks onwards. All beds are equipped with monitors.
Infusion and syringe pumps. For phototherapy both conventional and LED

Phototherapy units are available. For ventilator support both Newborn
Ventilators (Philips V200 bird) and Bubble CPAP (Fisher & Paykel) are
Available. NEOPUFF infant T-piece resuscitators and NEOMED sophisticated Neonatal transport incubators are used to transport sick neonate Referred to our hospital from peripheral areas.

SICU/PICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit / Paediatric Intensive Care Unit)

Critical care unit serves as a combined adult and
Paediatric ICU where post-surgical and medical cases are managed. And it is
Equipped with motorised cots and high-end life-saving medical instruments
Like ventilators, defibrillators and multi-parameter monitors.

Located at the corner of the first floor in a silent traffic-free
Environment is the IUI lab. Part of the infertility clinic, sperm collection and
Intrauterine insemination is done here adhering to strict protocols.

Delivery Suite
Two latest sophisticated patient comfortable delivery cots are
Available in the delivery suite located on the second floor. Well trained Paramedical staff provide dedicated care round the clock along with the
Consultants. Safe delivery is ensured with advanced medical instruments
And continuous foetal monitoring.

Emergency Operation Theatre
Housed next to the delivery suite is the emergency operation theatre
Exclusively for patients requiring emergency Caesarean Section delivery